“Be considerate to yourself, your
family, your workplace, people around you and the nature on which we all depend” All of these
segments are interconnected and are depended on each other. In our daily lives
we don’t realize that how much “waste” that we produce from our natural actions.
There are many ways to support our
Business to become sustainable and environmentally friendly. By helping our
business; we actually help ourselves and the society in which we live.
Things you can do at work!
Print 2 sided – facilities are available in all of
our printers
Do not print if NOT required
· Well before the meeting send out Agenda and other
information on email for all to review and feedback
Use projector where possible to avoid printing
large documentations
· Think of innovative ways to remove unnecessary
processes where you may be using lot of paper
Digitize your procedures (avoid printing)
Use water wisely
Make a rule to use dishwasher only once a day
Turn off your monitor/computer/printer when not in
Use stairs to go up to few floors instead of using
lift (this can be your exercise too!)
· Participate in “Volunteer” program to give
your time and knowledge as a gift to our society
Using scarce resources (Human and
Natural) wisely has become very important in recent times due to financial
crisis. Business cannot afford to continue as usual in this resource
constrained world.
It is all up to us to make this change
and become smart, innovative and efficient in “what we used to do it”.
Things you can do at home to live
eco-friendly life!
Grow your own vegetables if possible even one or two items
Monitor water and electricity usage
Install solar panels
Walk to close by shops or places instead of using car
Recycle your cloths, furniture and other unwanted materials
Create your own composting
Participate in community gardening programs
· Talk to your local council on programs available to become eco-friendly
and attend those programs to improve your knowledge of global warming and
carbon emissions
Plan before you drive and go for shopping to avoid unnecessary costs of
driving extra kilometres or end up shopping unwanted items
Teach your family, children and discuss ways to live environmentally
friendly life.
Buy green, eco-friendly and sustainable products
Avoid using chemical induced products
For further information you can visit government website on http://www.cleanenergyfuture.gov.au/ to know more about how live Eco-friendly life and understand carbon emissions and global warming.
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